Copyright 2020, by JoonJuly

Art Direction, Design, Product Design

Rubber Band Machine Gun

"The coolest thing I've ever seen launched on Kickstarter!" John P. GeekBeat TV


  • Branding and Saleable story formation
  • PR & marketing strategy
  • Project presentation structuring
  • Graphics style and visual design
  • Copywriting and text editing
  • Balance of rewards
  • Legal Issues




  • Online Sales
  • Team management and production pipeline
  • Crisis management

Funded: $147.396 of $5,000 (2947% of goal)

Platform: Kickstarter
Category: Product Design
Dates: Dec 16th -> Jan 17th (33 days), 2014

Backers: 1110
Average Pledge Per Backer: $133

Project By: Alex Shpetniy

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About the project:

Boys, girls, and even their parents – every ages will enjoy their shooting skills with a Rubber Band Machine Gun. This is a fully automatic machine gun, constructed accordingly to the Gatling machine gun principle.

The body is made from the birch plywood and cut out on the CNC machine. Its ammo consists of 672 shots of rubber bands.With my Rubber Band Gun Machine (or RBGM) everyone can feel like Rambo, launching a rubber storm, and throwing over a pound of rubber bands into the opponent!




Via Alex Shpetniy
